UN warns Romania: women are facing violence, discrimination and stereotypes
What measures must the Romanian government implement by 2021 to fight discrimination against women? From offering services to help women survivors of violence, to ensuring the provision of sexual education in schools, gender quotas for political candidates, gender quotas for companies listed in the Stock Exchange, prohibiting the practice of conscientious objection towards abortions in hospitals, and the simplification of the process of filing complaints of sexual harassment.
All of the above are a part of the referrals submitted in the Romanian Report by the UN Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).
In June 2017, the UN carried out Romania’s periodical evaluation as part of the 67th CEDAW session on the implementation of The UN Convention for the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women.
One of the points noted by the UN was that the members of the Romanian government are not ready to address the specificity of the problems women are facing. Training sessions for judges and prosecutors, police, social services, local authorities, and academic personnel was recommended, so that these respective authorities can be correctly informed on women’s rights and its specific legislation, can implement gender sensitive intervention protocols, inter-institutional co-operation, and a general approach to prevent situations in which discrimination, violence, or abuse against women and girls take place.
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