[1166 NGO's are defending the Istanbul Convention. English below]
Rețeaua europeană WAVE (Women Against Violence) a transmis Consiliului Europei o scrisoare-deschisă semnată de 1166 de ONG-uri din Europa, ca reacție asupra unei alte scrisori trimisă Consiliului, prin care s-au cerut modificări care slăbesc Convenția.
21 de asociații care luptă pentru drepturile femeilor au semnat scrisoarea din partea României.
WAVE has forwarded a response letter in reaction to a potentially damaging letter, which demanded changes to the wording of the Istanbul Convention, sent to the Council of Europe. A damaging letter was sent to the Secretary General to the Council of Europe, Mr. Thorbjorn Jagland, signed by 333 NGOs from 9 countries demanding changes to the text of the Istanbul Convention. The letter focused specifically on recommending the initiation of the revision of the Convention in order to replace gender and related concepts with “equality between women and men”, as well as to enable States to provide reservations on the controversial and ideological parts of the Convention. The WAVE Board and Advisory Board prepared a response letter which 1166 organisations from all over Europe endorsed.
„WAVE has been working in the field of combating violence against women and girls and implementing women’s human rights since 1994, and we are deeply committed to universal principles of gender equality and women’s human rights. We strongly affirm our full support for the Istanbul Convention as well as its monitoring Committee GREVIO and we totally reject any call to subject the core provisions of the Convention to reservations.
We recognize the Istanbul Convention as the most comprehensive regional and international tool combating gender based violence against women and domestic violence. We strongly believe that ratification and the full implementation of the Istanbul Convention will significantly reduce women’s vulnerability to violence and facilitate a more equal and fairer society for everyone.”