

(un articol preluat de pe Blogul Medusei)

AnAlize, revista de studii feministe, revine cu un prim număr online în limba engleză şi o nouă denumire ("Analize - Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies", O discuţie despre acest nou număr, despre nostalgiile legate de trecut şi mai ales despre planurile de viitor, va avea loc joi, 18 iulie 2013, ora 18.30, la Dianei Patru (strada Dianei nr. 4, piaţa Rosetti, Bucureşti).

Tema propusă pentru primul număr, Ce fel de feminism (e) pentru secolul 21?, a primit diverse abordări şi analize. O primă contribuţie este a Mariei Bucur de la Universitatea Bloomington, SUA, în articolul căreia sunt prezentate o serie de tendinţe din ultimele decenii în evoluţia feminismului din mediul academic, tensiunile de ordin ideologic şi generaţional între mediul academic şi cel activist, dar şi punctele de plecare pentru a face feminismul mai relevant şi de impact în diverse discipline, în societate şi la nivel individual.

Oana Crusmac (SNSPA, Bucureşti) cercetează în articolul său diferenţele dintre al treilea val de feminism şi post-feminism (şi relaţia cu alte concepte "post", cum ar fi postmodernismul şi post-structuralismul), având ca material de analiză o serie de articole publicate de revista Cosmopolitan, ediţia din România, între ianuarie 2008 – martie 2013.

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Advancing Women in Leadership Journal

Advancing Women in Leadership is a professional and refereed journal for women in leadership. The journal publishes manuscripts that report, synthesize, review, or analyze scholarly inquiry that focuses on women’s issues. The main topics are in the field of women’s professional issues in order to help women break through the “glass ceiling” by providing career strategies, tools, resources, products and services to support women’s careers, business and leadership goals, and work-life balance issues.

Gender Forum

Gender Forum is a peer reviewed academic journal dedicated to the discussion of gender issues. The main topic of the journal is discussion of gender-related topics in the fields of literary and cultural production, media and the arts as well as politics, the natural sciences, medicine, the law, religion and philosophy. The issues of the journal have focused on a multitude of questions from different theoretical perspectives of feminist criticism, queer theory, and masculinity studies. The issues also include reviews of recent critical publications and occasionally interviews, fictional pieces and poetry with a gender studies angle.

Genders Journal

Genders Journal is realized by University of Colorado. It contains mainly essays that consider genders and sexualities in relation to artistic, semiotic, political, literary, social, ethnic, racial, economic, rhetorical or legal concerns. In Genders Journals there are published essays that articulate how sexuality has been used and manipulated to create, sustain or protect particular social, economic, political or legal systems. Moreover the publication includes articles that have a historical and cross-cultural approaches to contemporary social issues; essays with an innovative theoretical dimension; critiques of Western European/American feminist theories; critiques of gender as a category of analysis; critiques of sexuality as a category of analysis; essays about unacknowledged cultural assumptions that involve gender or sexuality; substantive critiques of the basic cultural assumptions of psychoanalytic theory or its applications. Nevertheless in this publication there are discussed works of art, journalism, television, music, photography, video, film, or performance that address a cultural or social issue.

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